Novyi Mir Research Journal is an open access scholastic and peer reviewed monthly international journal for encouraging Researchers, Practitioners, Academicians from Life Sciences, Engineering and Technology Management sectors to contribute to their inventive Research achievements and original work to make superiority information presented for a broader civic of readers and Internet users. Novyi Mir Research Journal targets at promoting the integration of academic theories.
Novyi Mir Research Journal is an open access journal, which means that all articles are available on the internet to all users immediately upon publication. Non-commercial use and distribution in any medium is permitted, provided the author and the journal are properly credited. Benefits of open access for authors include: free access for all users worldwide, authors retain copyright to their work, increased visibility and readership, rapid publication, no spatial constraints. Special issues dedicated to international conferences in the topics of the journal are brought out, as well. All submitted manuscripts are initially evaluated by the editor and, if are found suitable, are sent for further consideration, to peer reviewers for an independent and anonymous expert review process.
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UGC-Care Group -II Journals

Call For Papers
Science, Engineering and Technology
Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities
Physical Sciences and Environment
Biological & Medical Sciences
Management and Commerce
Agriculture and Veterinary Sciences
Biomedical Engineering
Dental Science
Integrative Medicine – viz
Healthcare- viz
Medical Science
Architectural and design research
Urban planning research
Architectural and design research
Architectural and design theory

Indexing Of Novyimir Research Journal
Novyimir Research Journal is indexed in more than 15 esteemed online directories followed by DOI, CROSS REF, GOOGLE SCHOLAR, CITEFACTOR, ABEC, DOAJ, LATINDEX, REDIB, CAPESSCILIT and many more. To select the manuscripts we follow stringent guidelines to determine the originality, importance, timeliness, accessibility, grace and astonishing conclusions of the content.